Keeping it Simple with Kid Activities

Keeping it Simple with Kid Activities_1

This summer I have been making sure my kids are active, busy, learning, and social.  We’ve happily done park playdates, beach time, school camps, family vacations, arts and crafts, science experiments…and on and on. Guess what?  As much as my kids are enjoying these planned activities, I realized that sometimes the simplest games are often the most popular.  Go figure!  Here are my easy activity ideas for kids.

I was just talking about this in one of my mom’s groups.  Sometimes, getting back to the “basics” can bring the most joy.  Here are some of the favorites in my home:

Blowing bubbles

Tale as old as time, right?!  What is it about a bubble that makes kids go crazy?  My kids have LOVED bubbles since they realized what they were.  Go outside and just blow bubbles with your kids…and see their faces light up!

Making mud pies

Let your kids just play in the dirt.  Muddy, sticky, icky dirt.  They will love getting goopy.  Just hose them down after!

Playing with the water hose

Speaking of…turn on the sprinkler.  Give your kids the water hose.  Watch the smiles spread.  Good old fashioned water play at it’s best.

Building sandcastles (and jumping waves!)

You can do this at the beach (or play with sand at almost any playground)…grab a bag of your sand toys, let them dump them out, and watch them build roads, mountains, bridges, cakes, castles…they will always be thinking of something new to create.

Finger painting

Out of all of the experiments and crafts I organized this summer, the kids still love just dipping their fingers in multiple colored paint and splashing across white paper.  Easy enough, right?  Go for it, kids!


I usually spring for a box of new crayons every few weeks, and my kids LOVE to color.  Give them paper, new crayons and let them go to town.

Play Doh

Play Doh, cookie cutters…and let the kids twist, roll, pull, and piece it together. Keeps my kiddos busy, and their little hands busy.

Living room dance parties

Turn up the music and rock out – impromptu style.  The sillier the better!  Kids will love seeing mama shake her booty – and they will love showing you some of their favorite moves, too!  It gets loud, it gets crazy…and it’s joyful.

Hide and seek

Oh my gosh, my kids LOVE this game.  It never gets old for them.  Too bad our dog gets excited and helps “find” the hider in our house.

Old school board games

Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Uno, Life, Trouble, Go Fish, Old Maid…you name it.  There’s a reason these are considered classic games.  Put the iPads and phones apps and games away, and sit around the table to play a board game as a family.  Our newest favorite is Uno – the kids have so much fun!  And, so do mama and daddy.

I Spy

I spy with my little eye…my kids loving this game, especially in the car.  If you have the patience for it, let the kids play when you’re driving (although sometimes the kids get so excited, they tend to talk over each other).


You don’t need any fancy smancy costumes for this!  Whatever the kids want, goes.  Fancy dresses stuck in the back of the closet, masks, mommy or daddy’s clothes, hats, tutus, and any other costume or dress up stuff you’ve collected.  Have your kids do a fashion show for you…my kids get a kick out of this!

Swinging…at the park 

What kid doesn’t love to swing?  Pack a homemade picnic lunch, pack up the kiddos, and take them to the park to run, slide and swing.

Telling silly stories

My kids love when I start off telling a silly story…and they get to contribute.  They usually laugh themselves into uncontrollable giggles (my stories always start off with….On top of spaghetti….).

Ice cream dates

These “dates” are my favorite!  My children inevitably want the stickiest, messiest ice cream ever…and I love seeing their dribbling ice cream grins.

What are your favorite simple kid activities to do?  Please comment below and share with us mamas!


  1. Agree – sometimes the simplest activities are the best activities! We just found a new variation on Hide & Seek called “Snuggle Bug” and my kids can play that for hours! You can Google it for instructions!

  2. We do treasure hunts when my son gets “bored” at home. I make a list of items for him to find in our house, give him a pillow case or bag to fill, and he’s off!

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