I have discovered an easy way to teach kids their phone number and I wanted to share it with you today.
It’s always been important for both of my kiddos learn how to recite important identifying numbers early in life, particularily their phone numbers and address for their safety.
Just think – in an emergency, does your child know their phone number?
Now days, most people I know (myself included) operate with their cell phones, and very few seem to have the archaic “landline” anymore, so you have to determine the best number to teach them first.
Mine? Daddy’s? I chose my cell phone first…because…well, I’m mommy.
Sing a Song with M-I-C-K-E-Y
Now for the simple part. Sing a song. And not just any song…but the old school Mickey Mouse Club March. Need a refresher on how that goes? Watch it with your kids here…
So here goes a sample verse:
“M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E
Hey! there, Hi! there, Ho! there
You’re as welcome as can be
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E”
Okay, now that you have that tune in your head (and it might stay there), adjust the following lyrics to:
(Put your 10 digit phone number, including your area code, in for the “M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E” part)
“1-1-1(pause) 1-1-1(pause) 1-1-1-1 (hold out this number for two syllables to make it fit within the tune)
Mommy’s phone, mommy’s phone
Whenever you need help, call mommy’s phone!”
A little cheesy, I know, but it WORKS!
Like with any new concept, your kiddo is probably not going to pick up on it immediately. Practice it every day with just ONE phone number. They will get it. Now I quiz my five-year-old at random times and have her recite it.
After a few months of practicing it every day (just to make sure it was drilled into her memory), we practiced her daddy’s number. She now knows both without blinking an eye.
Note: If your cell phone has a password protected lock screen, keep in mind that you’ll have to teach them that passcode too! What if they have to grab your phone and dial 9-1-1 on their own? Make sure they know how to use your cell phone, just in case.
Do you have any tips or tricks to share? Any song(s) that work better? How did you teach your child their phone number? Please share below!
Photo Credit: photo©2013 Prepayasyougo, Flickr
Great idea! My oldest knows my number but I need to work on this with my 5 yr old
Awesome!!! Love this and going to start today!
This is such a great idea! However, now I can’t get the Mickey song out of my head! Lol
Judy and I may have to steal this
Thanks all! My little girl picked up on this tune pretty quickly, and it is was just too good of a tip not to share with other mamas! I hope it works well for your little ones! (now I just have to work on it with my three-year-old…he still enthusiastically sings random numbers
I taught my kids our phone number with a tune that I made up, but I love how you chose the mickey mouse tune. Great idea!
Leslie – don’t songs work great?? Love that you made up your own tune
I love these ideas! They will go along perfectly with this free printable iPhone graphic that I created to teach my kids their phone number! http://onemomandablog.blogspot.com/2014/02/teaching-kids-their-phone-number-free.html
Oh my gosh-what a wonderful idea! Thanks!