Places to Donate Gently Used Maternity and Baby Clothes in OC

I had a friend ask me the other day for places to donate gently used maternity and baby clothes in Orange County so I posted on my Tiny Oranges Facebook page to see if anyone had a suggestion.

Within one evening, I got 14 responses of great local OC charities. I love Facebook! I wanted to do a post listing these organizations in case you have items you no longer need and want to donate to local families who can use your help. Your donations make a difference.

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Hanna Andersson Night Night Baby Sleepers

I know a product is great when my sister (whose baby is the same age as mine) buys ME something she loves for her little guy! She originally fell in love with these Hanna Andersson Night Night Baby Sleepers when she lucked out and found them at Costco. She loved them so much, she went back and bought Morgan two pairs!

They are GREAT baby jammies. The best I have found in my 4 years of outfitting little ones for sleep!

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