The First Day of Preschool

My youngest, Morgan, started her first day of preschool on Monday.

After watching her big sister skip off to school for four years now, I can tell she is SO ready for it finally to be her turn!

This week is sort of a BIG DEAL to me. Because, now, for the next 9 months, I get three mornings a week with no children in the house. I have been a stay at home/work at home mom for 6 years and 3 months, so in a way, it is now my turn too!

Now, with drop off and pick up drive times, it will likely equate to 7.5 hours a week, but that is 7.5 hours of more time than I have ever had in forever, so it is going to be a new way of life.

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Change is Strange


My 3 year 3 month “baby” is starting preschool on Monday. I can’t believe it! One of my girlfriends got Emma this Change is Strange book for her birthday called “My First Day of School.” It has been a big help in preparing her for the big day!

The book follows Charlie (a fun, whimsical alienlike creature) as she gets ready for her first day of school. Since Charlie is an alien, you can…
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