Parents – Did You Miss This Goal for 2015?

This post today is written by Darlynn Morgan of Morgan Law Group, an OC estate planning lawyer.

OC Estate Planning Lawyer


One HUGE Financial Resolution You Likely Missed For 2015

It’s a new year, which means like most parents, you’ve probably made a handful of resolutions to improve your life or set your family on a better course in 2015.

Perhaps you’re shooting for less TV time for the kids… or maybe a family-wide goal to eat healthier snacks.  In the area of finances, maybe you’ve resolved to get out of debt, take a fabulous vacation or use your money to benefit more charities making a difference in the local community or the world.

These are all great resolutions…but I can pretty much guarantee that there is still one important goal for 2015 that you missed…

…estate planning!

Did you know that setting your legal affairs in order is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your family, wishes and assets are protected if something unexpectedly happens to you and/or your spouse?

Educate Yourself on Estate Planning (For Free)


Through the years I have written about the free estate planning workshops Darylnn Morgan, of Morgan Law Group, hosts throughout the year for Orange County families to learn more about estate planning and naming guardians for their children.

A free Kids Protection Workshop is coming up later this month and I wanted to share the information, along with a recent reader testimonial.

What You Will Learn at the Workshop

1. Nine simple things you can do immediately to ensure your children are cared for by the people you want if something should happen to you.