Get To Know Your Teacher



From the looks of it on Facebook, many of you already have kids back in school, or will have kids back in school in the next few weeks so I wanted to post my get to know your teacher questionnaire.

Every year I give these get to know your teacher questions to my child’s teacher to fill out and return to me.  It is so helpful to keep on file throughout the school year, especially come the holidays and teacher appreciation week.

For example, one year I learned my child’s teacher’s favorite school day snack was mixed nuts, so I would bring her a little baggie of trail mix on the days I was in the classroom to volunteer.

Get to Know Your Teacher Questions

Back-to-School season is in full swing so I thought it was fitting to share this teacher favorites questionnaire I made so you can download and print for your new teachers. This is also a great tool for room moms so when the holidays, teacher appreciation week or the end of the school year rolls around,… Continue reading Get to Know Your Teacher Questions