Find OC Babysitters with UrbanSitter

UrbanSitter is a new cutting edge online resource for OC parents to search and find occasional, part-time or full-time babysitters quickly and efficiently.

By creating a platform powered by your social media networksUrbanSitter searches for Orange County babysitters the friends and people in your circles use and love.

That means you can see the babysitters that have been personally recommended (used and reviewed) by your friends, local parents in your MOMS club, sports team, child’s school, etc.

Tiny Oranges is giving away a $100 UrbanSitter gift certificate compliments of UrbanSitter to one lucky reader to use towards babysitting so get ready to line up a date night or some much-needed mommy time!

We are also offering a $20 off code for the first 50 readers who sign up for UrbanSitter. Details below!

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