Creamed Tomato Bisque in a Bread Bowl

[Fab image found here.]

Creamed Tomato Bisque in a Bread Bowl
by Susanne (Your Sus Chef)

This is one of those recipes I would beg my mom to make and when I went off to college she made me a big batch in small containers and I froze it in my little mini dorm fridge and would heat it up for a little taste of home.

Warning- it calls for…

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Appetizer Recipe: Pesto Toasts with Burrata Cheese

Recently I got invited to a party where everyone was to bring an appetizer to share. Since I am cooking challenged and not one that has a ton of hors d’oeuvres recipes stashed in my back pocket, I asked Susanne, my “Sus Chef” sales director (get it…SUS chef ?!) to send me one of her favorite go-to appetizer recipes. This one is incredible! The perfect appetizer recipe for Thanksgiving or the holidays. Here it is in all it’s cheesy yumminess…as written by Susanne.

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4th of July Theme Birthday Party Ideas

My little one turned two on July 2nd so what better way to celebrate than with a 4th of July themed birthday party!  I happen to LOVE the 4th of July and red, white and blue so I was in patriotic heaven planning this soiree! We hosted a breakfast birthday party for the first time,… Continue reading 4th of July Theme Birthday Party Ideas