Thank You Note Tips for Kids By Emma

Thank You Note Tips for Kids

Thank You Note Tips for Kids

My name is Emma and my mom let me write this guest post for her. I hope you will share it with your kids. I am 9 years old and in 4th grade. I noticed that adults get really happy when you show that you appreciate your gift. When we receive gifts my mom is always asking for me to write a thank you note. I have had lots of experience writing thank you notes, so I decided to write a post on how to write the perfect thank you note for kids.

Step 1.

When you write your thank you note you always have to write the date in the top right hand corner. Not just 1-6-16 you want to actually want to write it out. For example, January 11, 2016.

Thank You Note Tips for Kids [Free Printable]

Thank you note tips for kids

I am an old school handwritten thank you note advocate and have taught my kids the importance of writing a thank you note from a very young age.

This post includes thank you note tips for kids and a free printable thank you note guideline so they can’t fire back with, “I don’t know what to write!”