Bug Invasion at The Cube {Giveaway!}

They’re coming to get you…at Discovery Science Center! No magnifying glass needed here; these bugs are larger than life! Transport yourself to a world where ants, praying mantises, and scorpions tower over you at 1,000 times their actual size in the new fall exhibit, Bug Invasion, now through October 31st at The Cube!

And I have a SUPER DUPER giveaway for one lucky winner who will receive 4 FREE tickets to Discovery Science Center & VIP wristbands to enjoy all the rides for free at the The Pumpkin Factory which is conveniently located across the street.  Read last paragraph on how to enter!

My daughter Emma and I  got to check out this creepy crawly exhibit where over two thousand square feet of exhibit space features giant bug animatronics, a world-class insect collection, and interactive educational stations including big robo-bugs and a 3-D maze (amongst lots of other things!)

Check the calendar for updates on special weekend events including Dr. Sue’s Traveling Insect & Arthropod Zoo, “It’s a Bug’s Life” story time, and bug demos from OC Vector Control and the So Cal Rat & Mouse Club of America.

Dr. Sue was there when we went and Emma and her friend loved the bugs! I was shocked at how fearless she was with petting the little critters!   Here the girls are inspecting Dr. Sue’s friends…

It is a great exhibit, fun and educational for all ages.  Here is a special Discovery Science Center coupon for you to use this month (through 10/31/10) to save $5 off Super tickets! Click HERE to download a bigger version.

Halloween Weekend Activities

AND Discovery Science Center is the place to be for Halloween! In October come for weekend costume parades, and on Halloween weekend, October 30th and 31st, dress in your Halloween costume for pumpkin painting, and trick-or-treating at your favorite exhibits! Click HERE for the full run-down for this weekend & all the fun deets!

Hooray! It’s a Tiny Giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a family 4-pack of general admission tickets to Discovery Science Center and 4 VIP wristbands at The Pumpkin Factory which allows you to enjoy all the rides and attractions for free!

Contest runs through Thursday, 10/14/10 at 5pm PST (quick one!) and I will email the winner that night so I can get the mailing address and mail you the tickets the next day.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry option!

1. Simply comment below and tell me your favorite bug (laughing as I type this) – 1 ENTRY

2. {Like} Discovery Science Center on Facebook – 1 ENTRY

3. {Like} Tiny Oranges on Facebook – 1 ENTRY

4. Follow @DiscoveryCube on Twitter – 1 ENTRY

5. Follow @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter – 1 ENTRY

6. Leave a post or comment in our Forum – 1 ENTRY

7. Subscribe to my email updates – top right column – 1 ENTRY


{Disclosure: Discovery Science Center is a Tiny Oranges Sponsor and I received tickets to preview The Bug Invasion exhibit & The Pumpkin Factory to facilitate this post.}


  1. My favorite bug would have to be the butterfly. Who doesn’t like butterflies?! But my son loves spiders, yuck!

  2. Ladybugs are the best! Just ask my daughter! 🙂
    #’s 1, 2, 3, and 7 complete. (trying to not be an overachiever!)

  3. If I had to pick a favorite bug I guess it would be a beneficial one that\’s also pretty, a lady bug. But I\’m going to answer for my 5 yr old who\’s online name is Princess Entomologist. She would go for a Roley Polly or Centipede.

  4. I signed up to enter all 4-pack of general admission tickets to Discovery Science Center and 4 VIP wristbands at The Pumpkin Factory


  5. My kids Hate bugs… I hope we win so they can get a better understanding as to why they are so important to nature!

  6. My favorite bug? Never really thought about it before…. but it must be the LadyBug. They are the only bugs I take the time to really admire and don’t freak out when they land on me!!! 🙂

  7. I like the praying mantis I got to see four this fall very cool my daughter thinks she’s a praying mantis tamer

  8. My favorite are fireflies. I grew up in Texas and loved to catch them and put them in jars. It’s a bummer that they aren’t in California for my 3 yr old to enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck on your upcoming race!

  9. My son loves bugs right now. Infact, he just saw a Praying Mantis at a friends backyard. He was super excited! I would love to win these tickets and take our family. Wow what a tiny orange treat!

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