Your Pre-Holiday Workout Plan

how to avoid holiday weight gain

Holiday weight gain. We all know what it feels like – not good. The feasting seems to start at Thanksgiving and then continues right through New Year’s Day leaving you greeting the new year feeling BLECH. But it doesn’t have to be this way! If you plan in advance to break this cycle with a pre-holiday workout plan, you can go into 2014 feeling fabulous instead of flabulous.

Here are some tips from me and the fitness experts over at Orangetheory Fitness Newport Beach on how to create a pre-holiday workout plan.

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Because There is Simply No Time to be Sick

at home natural code remedy


One day I was chatting with a mommy friend during our daughter’s gymnastics class about dreading the cold and flu season when she told me about an at home apple cider vinegar cold remedy she swears by. I kept this info tucked in the back of my head for the next time a cold struck.

It seems like the past few years I have picked up every cold and virus my kids have come home with, so this year, I am fighting back because there is no time to be sick when you are a mom. (However, if you do get sick, please remember this post about the importance of taking a mommy sick day!!)

Back to this cold remedy. So there we were, two weeks into school when both my girls got that stuffy nose, cough thing that seems to always show up around this time. Then a few days later I felt the scratchy throat come on along with feeling lethargic and pretty crappy all around. NOOOOOO! 

I sent my gymnastics mommy friend an SOS text to give me her remedy, which is as follows:

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Get in the Orange

sponsor-bannerOrangetheory Fitness Newport Beach

Orangetheory Newport Beach is a unique fitness studio nestled in the Westcliff Plaza at the corner of Irvine Ave. and Westcliff Dr. in Newport, one of my regular shopping destinations.

After their Grand Opening early this year, I was intrigued by this juicy new workout, because of course, we’ve got a citrus bond going on, but beyond my “orange” obsession, I kept hearing people around town raving about this one-of-a-kind workout.

The juice on Orangetheory Newport Beach

You gotta try it mamas. Seriously, after my first workout, I was hooked.

First, a little about the physiological theory behind the workout.

The workout is based on what is known as the “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption” or EPOC theory, which is the exercise “after burn” effect. In this case, the after burn doesn’t mean sore muscles (although those are a common side effect!) but this kind of after burn means an increase to your metabolism and calories burned 24-36 hours AFTER you workout.


How is the after burn created? 

Everyone is given a heart rate monitor and POD so you can track your 5 Zone Interval training sessions in the Orange 60 one hour workout.

All the names and heart rate percentages are displayed on a big screen during the hour so you can see exactly how hard you are working.

If you exceed 84% of your maximum heart rate –  you “Get in the Orange” – the sweet spot!

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Two Great Postnatal Exercises

Today Erica from Knocked-Up Fitness is sharing two effective full body postnatal exercises to help jumpstart your workout routine after baby arrives (of course with your doctor’s blessing!) In case you missed it, last week Erica shared easy tips on How to Get in Shape Quick After Baby.

Here are two of her favorite exercises, with instructions, directly from her Prenatal and After Baby DVD’s, written by Erica Ziel.

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How to get in shape (quick) after baby

This guest post on how to get in shape quick after baby is by my friend and Tiny Oranges Sponsor, Erica Ziel of Knocked-Up Fitness.

Last month we posted on our Facebook page to see what moms wanted to know from Erica about pre or postnatal fitness (her expertise) and it  was no surprise many moms tips on how to get back into shape quickly after baby.

Here is her expert advice. Stay tuned for a follow up post next week with a few of her favorite exercises. You will also want to check out her at home After Baby 2 DVD Workout Set.

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