Dry Divas

Dry Divas Coupon Code

Colleen, the owner of Dry Divas, wants to treat all of you special mamas this Mother’s Day with Dry Divas coupon code MOM for 20% off!


Many times in my busy mom life I ask myself, can I pull off my hair’s current state without washing it? Because let’s face it, some days there is just no time to blow dry. On those days, dry shampoo and my Dry Divas shower cap are my best friends….

Babysitting 101

how to be a great babysitter

This post is for any young girl (or boy) looking for tips on how to be a great babysitter from a mom’s point of view.  It is actually pretty simple, but some things might not be obvious, that’s why I am giving you the scoop. For my moms reading this with girls coming into babysitting age, please share these tips with them. Moms everywhere will thank you.

Odysseo Debuts in Irvine

Disclosure: Media tickets provided to facilitate this review. 


If any of you drive along the 405 and 133 intersection, you can’t miss the Big White Top under construction for the last month.

Every time we drive by, my boys are fascinated with “what they are building?!” When the signs went up, we were thrilled to see it was Odysseo by Cavalia! For those of you not familiar, this show is known as the world’s largest traveling production with a cast of 65 horses, trainers, musicians and acrobats that produce one TRULY magical experience.

Tackling a Massive Project: The Family Photo Book



The last family photo book I did was 2010. My 2nd born’s baby book goes up to her 5th month. It has plagued me with guilt!

My lack of being able to manage my family photos and create books where my kids can actually enjoy the photos has at times, kept me up at night. Ridiculous? Yes. True? Yes!

I loved looking through my mom’s albums she did for our family when I was young. And although we now have the cool factor of being able to create some amazing books on our computer, I truly think it was way easier to do albums back then!  You printed your photos, glued the best ones in an album and you were done!

Now I have thousands and thousands of photos, many of which are 10 shots of the SAME thing, so to organize them and put them into a book is a massive project if you get behind….