29 Fun Things to do with Kids in OC

Happy February 29th! I couldn’t let the day pass without some sort of mention! I mean, days like this only come around, like what, every 4 years?! Hee hee…I was going to do a post on where leap day came from, but it actually isn’t that interesting, so I thought, hmmm…how about a post on 29 fun things to do with kids in OC? Got to get my 29 in there somehow!

So I got out a notebook and scribbled out 29 ideas off the top of my head in less than 5 minutes. Goes to show you there truly is no better place to live with kids than Orange County!

There are many more – would love your opinions – comment below!

Here are mine (in no particular order):

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Heritage Museum of Orange County [Kellogg House]

My oldest daughter went on her first Kindergarten field trip a couple weeks ago to the Heritage Museum of Orange County to tour the Kellogg House. I tagged along as a chaperone with camera in tow and thought it was such a fun educational experience I wanted to share it with you!

It was her first time riding a real yellow school bus, which on its own was a monumental experience for her. I cracked up when I saw the kids on the bus. Have you been on a school bus recently??  The seats are so high now you couldn’t even see their little heads! Hilarious.

In any case, back to this OC outing

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