This Mom is Going to Lose It. Please Help.

Topic today is sleep tips for elementary aged kids. This Mommy S.O.S comes from a friend of mine who is about to lose it. You know those S.O.S scenarios moms? When you don’t think you can take one more day of some behavioral issue? Yep, we have all been there. That’s why I offered to put… Continue reading This Mom is Going to Lose It. Please Help.

New Year’s Resolutions from an Exhausted Mommy


Here are my New Year’s resolutions…specifically, new year’s resolutions from an exhausted mommy. 

As much as I love the holidays, as much as I love all of the extra parties and extra treats and extra late nights, I am very excited to start 2014 fresh and energized and organized and (hopefully) on top of it.

Except for one small tiny little detail. I’m exhausted. Anyone else in the same boat?

Click here to read more.

A Cool Way to Teach Your Kids How to Tell Time

I stumbled upon a cool way on how to teach your child to tell time – I wish I could take credit, but one of my good mama friends, Erin, shared this fun tip I wanted to pass on to you.

Here’s the secret – a multi-colored digital clock.

What makes this clock special is that each of the digital numbers is represented by a different color – versus all the same color.

Click here to read more.

Sharing Gratitude with Our Kids

Raising grateful, generous children is important to our family.  So we incorporate (okay, try to incorporate) ways to share gratitude with our kids – and teach them about expressing their thanks.  With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought I’d share my favorite couple…and in return ask what your family does! Talk about gratitude openly, everyday Sometimes, family dinners just do NOT… Continue reading Sharing Gratitude with Our Kids

Are You Ready for a Change?


Plucky Parenting

Parenting is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. In the peaceful times, being a mom is easy. The snuggles, the play time, the connection, the love. Oh, the love. If it were like this all the time, parenting would be a breeze. But then we would all probably have more children than we do right now, right?!

Then there are the times when I am left standing alone in the face of a sassy comment or bickering sisters or outright defiance, genuinely yearning for divine direction on WHAT to do to handle the situation because I just don’t know what the HECK to do.

Either that, or I react with a response I am not proud of or question myself as I wonder if I did the right thing? It’s those times when I start to question myself as a mom and think, “What am I doing wrong to make my child act like this?!” It’s an awful feeling, isn’t it?

But there is help for us moms!

If you are struggling with a specific parenting issue with your kids, or dealing with some undesirable and baffling behaviors, the great news is there is an  Orange County parenting consultant you can turn to for guidance. Let her be the light at the end of your tunnel!

Click here to read more.