On a recent trip to our local library I asked the librarian if she had any favorite books for an almost five year old and she pulled out “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus” as one of her top picks.
I can’t tell you how many times I read it to her over the course of the two weeks, but it was a lot! It had both my daughter and I cracking up, and the more I heard her giggle and laugh out loud, the more it made me laugh.
There is just something hysterical about a pigeon pleading to drive a bus, and my daughter answering each persuading question or argument with an emphatic, “nooooooo!”
I thought we were probably the last to discover this series until I asked two of my closest friends if they had it(assuming they did) and they both said no, which told me I have to blog about this find!
This book would make a great gift idea for either a boy or girl. Looks like I have to buy this book for my daughter for her birthday next month as we are sad we had to take our friend Pigeon back to the library.
Upon further investigation, it appears as if the Pigeon is up to other adventures, see all the books by the author Mo Willems here.
Since I am ALWAYS on the hunt for great children’s books, what are your favorite laugh out loud books?
My daughters love Do Not Open This Book by Michaela Muntean and Pascal Lemaitre.
They also enjoy all of the David books by David Shannon.
Thank you for this suggestion. I’m always wondering what book to pick at the library
I could go on and on with my favorites, but another book in this vein was given to Gavin and has since become one of his early favorites. It’s called “New Socks” by Bob Shea. “Knufflebunny” by Mo Willems is great also. “Parts” by Tedd Arnold is adorable too.
Love, love, love this book! I giggle every time