So this post is going to be about periods. Bad periods. But I promise I will not be graphic. So, if there are any guys reading this (which I doubt), you might want to continue on with your web browsing.
I was unsure as to whether to write about this topic and my experience, so I asked Susanne’s opinion to which she said, “Jen, we all have periods and we are not 12.” Not in a harsh way, in a nice supportive way, and I thought, that is SO true!
I think us girls can handle it.
I am writing this post mostly to ask for help and advice and to see if anyone has experience with a procedure called endometrial ablation (EA)? It was something that was completely unheard of to me until this week. But first, the back story on my experience and what lead me to look into this.
The past 6 months I have been plagued with horrendous periods. I have been in so much pain from stomach pain and cramping, that for almost 3 days out of the month I am MISERABLE.
On those days I try to make it through the day until my husband gets home so I can lie in bed with a heating pad. I also get so bloated I look like I am 5 months pregnant. Each month I hope it will be better, and each month it has gotten worse.
So I took steps to get into see a new gynecologist this week to see what I can do and to try to get help because I can’t live like this anymore. She said it sounds like I have endometriosis, but an exact diagnosis is impossible without surgery. I am going for a pelvic ultrasound in a few days to check for cysts and to make sure there is nothing else going on in there. Of which I pray everything is OK. In my gut I know it will be.
I was presented with options to help, none of which I am excited about, but nonetheless, there are options.
First one I am going to try is a prescription strength naproxen (Aleve.) I am going to try this next month as the over-the-counter stuff is not doing anything for me.
If that doesn’t work for the pain, another option is hormones. Most specifically birth control pills, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera (shots given at the doctor’s office every three months), or an IUD. But I had an IUD in-between pregnancies and had cramping and continuous bleeding, so I don’t want to do that again.
The thing is, my husband and I have already taken the steps to permanently prevent pregnancy since we made the decision that we are done having kids, so I really would prefer not to be on hormones since I don’t need it for birth control.
Then she told me about NovaSure Endometrial Ablation (EA), which is for premenopausal women (OMG I am in a category labeled “premenopausal” at age 37 – eek!) who are finished childbearing. Yep, that’s me.
It’s a procedure that removes the uterine lining to reduce or eliminate bleeding. That means that a percentage of women never get their period again. Others just get a very light period and it doesn’t affect your natural hormones.
I’m not going to lie, on the surface this sounds AMAZING. But I want to hear from real women that have had ablation done to hear their reviews or feedback.
I am a little concerned because most of what I have read about the procedure says it is done to reduce heavy bleeding, with no mention of cramping. Heavy bleeding is not a problem for me, it’s just the horrendous pelvic pain. I am compiling a list of questions for my doctor, this will be one of them.
If anyone would be willing to share their experience, I would be so grateful. And if you prefer not to share via comment, you can email me at jennifer {@}
Thanks for listening to this post on girl stuff and enduring the TMI about my personal periods. I just had a feeling that some women would be able to help and offer their advice!
I have a friend who recently had the procedure done. It was a fairly quick recovery and she says it is a night and day difference from before. Best of luck to you. It sounds like you are on the right track and doing lots of research.
Do you think she’d be willing to answer some questions via email? Of yes, could you send me her email to Jennifer @ tinyoranges .com?
Thank you!
Jen I just saw this I will see her tomorrow and ask.
I don’t think it would be a problem.
I haven’t had it – but have always had nasty periods. I know that the menstrual pain (muscles tearing apart the tissue) should definitely ease a lot if there isn’t any tissue!
Hugs, hang in there and if you have a great doctor, trust him!
I never had that procedure either, but I did have terrible periods due to endometriosis and it resulted in a hysterectomy at 39. I also had a cyst which also led to the decision for the surgery. Now, I’m not saying you should push for a hysterectomy (especially if you want more children) but I was very pleased and always share my new motto: White pants forever!!!
Hi Suzanne, thanks for sharing your experience! It sounds like i might have similar to you with the endometriosis part. If I do go forward with the ablasion and don’t have periods anymore, the motto white pants forever is music to my ears!!!!
My Mom had this done. I know there are two kinds. One where they freeze the lining and one where they burn it. My mom got the freezing one. She was home the same day. Her periods went to about 3 to 4 days and super light. My mom said her periods were always heavy. And at the end of it before the procedure she actually had to have an injection to stop her bleeding because she was pretty much hemeraging all the time.
Can you ask your mom what the name was? If it was NovaSure? Thanks for taking the time to comment!
She was part of a study through scrips clininc who were trying to head the way for the two different procedures. So all it was called was an endometrial ablation freezing or burning. I was reading the site you listed for Nova and it sounds like the one they are recommending for you is the burning one. Wikipedia explains it well. All i can tell you is she had the freezing one and she said it was the biggest blessing. She was bleeding so bad that her organs were on the verge of shut down. She had bled for 6 months straight with no stopping. Scrips and to build her blood level up before they would even proceed. This procedure gave her her life back. She had it done over 10 years ago. I think she was almost 40.
I highly recommend checking with a qualified holistic professional to see what can be done naturally first. I have been astounded by the number of ailments that can be addressed with homeopathy alone; not to mention the many other natural approaches. I would contact Maria Whalen – she is a dear friend of mine and lives in South OC
Thanks Michelle! I will check it out. I did experiment with my diet a little, and omitted dairy, which helped my skin clear up, but not the pain. Thanks for the info…
As someone who suffered with Endo since the age of 15 and went through a massive stent of being bedridden, I searched high and low for a Dr. who knew how to not only treat me, but CURE the symptoms, not just MASK symptoms by all the hormone therapies, laproscopic surgeries, etc. Please, please contact me so I can tell you more about my story and others I have helped by getting them to Dr. Redwine. He not only cured me 5 years ago now, but made it possible to have children naturally and easily and literally gave me my life back when every other Dr. said I should just have a hysterectomy. No more pain meds, no more living in my bed with my husband carrying me from room to room and no more useless procedures that only helped temporarily. I have some good reading sources for you and would LOVE to walk you through what got me back to my normal self.
Following the birth of my daughter, I started having periods similar to what you are describing. My doctor prescribed the Naproxen and it has done wonders for me. You usually take 2 per day. So take the first one at the first sign of your period, and then take one before bed ( to prevent that breakthrough pain at night). I swear by it! I don’t know much about the ablation, but I would Definitly do your research before doing this. I’ve always been leary about procedure and medication that prevent your uterus from shedding its lining every month. It’s a natural process and what are the side defects or ramifications of not doing so? Is the risk of certain types of cancer higher? Specifically endometrial/ uterine cancer. My point is, just make sure you’re asking these kinds of questions before you do the procedure. Good luck!
Just had this procedure yesterday
I had the procedure in June. I’ve been in severe pain on/off since I had it done. today is a bad day pain-wise. Research as much as you can
wishing you the best of health