Guest Blog – Daddy Date Night

I love this cute idea sent in from one of our Tiny Oranges readers!  When I first read the subject, I thought it was going to be an idea about having a date night with your husband.   Then, I read the idea and it is just the cutest, most special idea ever!  Pam writes:

“We just started a new tradition at our house that is a hit! Once a month my husband takes our 3 ½ year old daughter on a special date – just the two of them. She picks the place and they get “dressed up” for the big night out (for my daughter that means pink sparkly shoes and whatever other “fancy” thing she wants to wear that night). My daughter is beaming all day in anticipation for her special night out and counting down the minutes until daddy comes in from work. Picking the restaurant without having to negotiate with her brother is also a special treat. The current faves are Chili’s and Macaroni Grill and of course Golden Spoon for (a pink) dessert. I know it’s very special for both of them to be together without the siblings, or even mom, butting in on the conversation and hopefully it will help the father-daughter bond to remain strong, even through the teen years! ” – Pam, Mother of 3, Aliso Viejo

Do you have a fun idea to share?   Email me at and yours might be the next one featured as our guest blog!!   I love these ideas, please keep them coming! 

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