Irvine Park Railroad Pumpkin Patch {Giveaway!}

Irvine Park Railroad’s annual Pumpkin Patch is {in my opinion} one of the best pumpkin patches in the OC! If you are looking for good fall photo ops for your kids, THIS IS THE PLACE!  And I have a super fab giveaway of lots of tickets & stuff, so make sure to KEEP reading below and ENTER! But first, here are the details!

The Pumpkin Patch is open daily  now through October 31st and is located in Locomotive Loop just behind the train station. Thousands of pumpkins, in all shapes and sizes, fill Locomotive Loop. All visitors are sure to find the perfect pumpkin!  For those of you who haven’t been, Irvine Park Railroad is located inside of Irvine Regional Park in the foothills of Orange.

This year’s Pumpkin Patch activities include:  Train rides, hay rides, a haunted house, a hay maze, pony rides, a moon bounce, carnival games, John Deere tractor racers, face painting (weekends only), picture stands, great food and The Orange County Zoo.  A new activity for this year is panning for gold!!!

Admission into the Pumpkin Patch is FREE!!!

Prices for all other activities vary; visit for additional information and costs.

Hours (open daily weather-permitting)!

Weekdays 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Weekends 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

The parking fee for Irvine Regional Park is $3.00 per vehicle on weekdays and $5.00 per vehicle on weekends.

You can also visit Irvine Regional Park’s other activities including Wheel Fun Rentals at Irvine Park — fun and unique bike rentals that can be enjoyed by single riders or an entire family — paddle boat rentals, the OC Zoo and pony rides. Bike and paddle boat rentals are open daily through October 31st.

For pricing, park directions, and complete details, please visit

Hooray! It’s a Tiny Giveaway!

One VERY lucky winner will receive the following:

* 4 Irvine Park Railroad train tickets

* 8 Pumpkin Patch activity tickets

* 4 Orange County Zoo tickets

* Wheel Fun Rentals at Irvine Park Bike Rental (excludes the new double surrey)

To enter, please leave a separate comment for each entry option below.  And, please make sure to include your email address (won’t be published).   Contest runs now through Thursday, October 14th, 2010. I will post the winner next Friday on my Facebook page.

Here are the entry options!

1. Simply comment below and tell me your favorite thing about fall/Halloween! – 1 Entry

2. {Like} Irvine Park Railroad on Facebook – 1 Entry

3. Follow @IrvineParkRR on Twitter – 1 Entry

4. {Like} Tiny Oranges on Facebook – 1 Entry

5. Follow @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter – 1 Entry


{Disclosure: My family will receive complimentary tickets to the Pumpkin Patch.  Thank you Irvine Park Railroad!}


  1. Favorite thing about fall and Halloween is the weather changing over to cool crisp mornings.

  2. I love the weeks leading up to Halloween when my daughter changes her mind a hundred times about what costume she is going to wear

  3. My favorite thing about fall is the crisp weather and the red coat I get to wear! Oh yeah and ANYTHING pumpkin 🙂

  4. I love the anticipation of all the fun events and decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving.

  5. I love the change in weather… and the crazy excitement and energy on Halloween eve as the kids are getting ready to trick or treat 🙂

  6. I LOVE colorful leaves and the smell and feel of the crisp air fall brings! Absolutely my most favoritist (that should be a word…hee) time of the year!!! Every year I take the kids to the Irvine Pumpkin Patch almost every weekend! And every year its our family ritual to put the kids up to the “How Tall This Fall” board to see how they change year to year.

  7. We love all the fun fall/Halloween activities going on this time of year! Pumpkins everywhere! And it’s the start of the holiday baking! Yum, yum!

  8. The pumpkins are my favorite. They make such great pictures, they are such great colors, they just make you smile when you see them! THanks, Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

  9. I like the crispness in the air and snuggling on the couch wirh my boys and a warm blanket.

  10. do you have to have a twitter account? I don’t so does that mean I have to sign up for one in order to win?

  11. Hi! I love gong for walks on crisp fall days. I love seeing all the trick or treaters on Halloween–the lil ones enjoy so much :).

  12. I “liked” tiny oranges on facebook and love the railroad! We’ve never been there for the pumkin patch and would love to go!

  13. I enjoy decorating everything with my 2 kids! Its sad but true Im the only 1 in the neighborhood that decorates and passes out candy for the kids :). I just want kids to be happy like when I was a kid !

  14. I love collect leaves with my daughter, bake with her,and enjoy the pumpkin patch!Halloween…Carve pampkin,decorate our home and i love, when little ones are comeing over for “trick or treat”.Simple just, the best time of the year!!!

  15. I love the crisp feel of morning =)

    I am a Facebook fan of Irvine Park Railroad.
    And a Facebook fan of Tiny Oranges.
    And a Twitter follower of Irvine Park Railroad.
    And a Twitter follower of Tiny Oranges.

  16. I love Fall because it is the return of Pumpkin Lattes @ Starbucks, mounds of pumpkin bread in the oven, cooler weather and the joy of sitting with the family by the long anticipated fire!

  17. I love the Halloween/fall decorations in my house, pumpkin muffins (hubby just made them tonight), pumpkin spice lattes, and visiting the pumpkin patch with my sons.

  18. We love the color orange, the round shapes, the smell of fall, our fireplace, costumes and pretending, beautiful sunsets, empty beaches,…ski season is getting closer.

  19. My absolute favorite thing about fall is the excitement for all the upcoming holidays starting with Halloween. Making my kids happy and excited by decorating, costumes, baking and most importantly…being with family!

  20. I love Fall because of the cooler weather it brings, the change in colors outside, and the celebration of Halloween. I love Halloween because of the imagination it brings out in people… from decorating their home and yards, to the costumes worn on Halloween Night!

  21. I love the cooler weather, making soups & baking. But most of all I love seeing all the kids in their costumes! Especially the ones that it is there first year tick or treating………too cute!

  22. Fall is my all time favorite season because it means apples , cooler days , the delicious smell of pumpkin spice,crisp leaves scattered around the parks, Halloween, and of course because my daughter was born in Autumn so it made me love it even more.
    Something about Fall just makes me feel so warm and happy…it’s the best season in my opinion.

  23. I would love a free day at Irvine park Railroad. My grandson loves the train. I like it on Facebook

  24. i like tiny Oranges on Facebook and I love the fall colors even though in california you really have to look for them in Nature. Love the park

  25. Halloween time has always been a family favorite holiday since I was 17 years old. That is the first Halloween that I actually had a family. My foster mom would spend hours designing both hers and my costumes followed by festivities of decorating the house. It was a scence similar to those who decorate their homes for Xmas but ours was adorned with spiderwebs, witches, skeletons and zombies. I was so happy the day my mom showed up at my doorstep with a big box of favored halloween treasures to pass on the decorating traditions to my own son. Halloween is the beginning of scary stories, decorating fun, and Halloween themed dinners bringing me and my son a shared joy.

  26. My favorite thing about fall is the food. I love the spices and warm flavors that indicate that fall has arrived. And who doesn’t love Halloween with the family. Just two reasons why I think fall is awesome!

  27. I love the crisp air, the smell of pumpkin spice candles, extravagant homemade halloween costumes, and boo-ing loved ones with tricks and treats!

  28. I Love this park. I use to go when I was younger and would LOVE to share this beautiful park with my lil ones!!

  29. love the weather in the FALL!!! and Halloween time is especially fun, to see all the cute little faces peeking out of their costumes. And most importantly…. THE Candy!!! 😉

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