Since the holidays are right around the corner, Jenny of the fabulous Jenner Rose Photography wrote me a guest blog on the importance of a holiday picture! She is offering an amazing mini holiday session deal right now – details below. Here is what she writes:
The importance of the Holiday picture
“Ok I admit it. I am a picture junkie. If there was a twelve step program for this sort of thing I probably should have taken it a long time ago. I guess it is only fitting that I ended up as a photographer.
December is a time for a lot of good things, but for me the best part happens to be the collections of pictures I get in the mail. I get giddy every time I hear that magical little mail truck leave my house. I run out grab the newest stack of holiday cards and rip them open as fast as I can like a little kid on Christmas morning. When I open a Holiday card and there isn’t a picture I’m still like the kid on Christmas morning who is expecting that exciting, awesome toy but instead it turns out to be a shirt..
Most of us have facebook pages and e-mail accounts and now get tons of picture updates year round, but we never print them out. I know some people think, ”I just posted pictures. Why should I send one out?” My answer to that is: tradition. I love the old fashion feeling of hanging all the pictures up in my house during the month of December (sometimes longer, for the ones I really like). In today’s technical world sometimes it’s just nice to go back to the way things use to be.
So please, please, please….before you seal that envelope make sure there is a picture in there. It doesn’t even have to be done by a professional (but it doesn’t hurt ). I just want to see you, your kids, and even your dog, smiling back at me… year after year after year. “
Jenny still has a limited amount of spots available for her holiday mini sessions (but they are going quick – so book as soon as possible!) The session is $100 and includes an online gallery and CD of 10 – 15 images. For a full description of what this mini session includes, click HERE. Make sure to visit her blog and check out her fabulous work!
For information on her packages all year round contact Jenny at or 949.306.1087.
What gorgeous work you do!!! I am a picture junkie as well. LOL
Such delicious photos….remarkable!