Do I have any families out there that are soccer fans? If yes, make sure to read details below on how you can enter to win a family 4-pack of tickets to see the LA Galaxy this Saturday in a special event!
BritWeek, a month long celebration of British culture and influence in California, will kick things off this week with the 3rd annual BritNight on Saturday, April 17th at 5pm at The Home Depot Center in Carson.
The event will start with a celebrity soccer game where former soccer pros face off with celebrities from music, film & TV followed by autographs and live music. Then at 7:30pm you can see the LA Galaxy’s MLS match against Real Salt Lake – a rematch of last year’s MLS Cup Championship Game.
For more information or to buy tickets, call 877-3GALAXY or Click HERE to download a flyer on this event!
Hooray! It’s a Tiny Giveaway!
TWO winners will each receive a family 4-pack of tickets to attend Brit Night this Saturday! It’s a QUICK giveaway, 2 days only, so enter between now and 5pm PST tomorrow (Tues, April 13th) so I can contact the winner’s via email and arrange to get you your tickets!
To enter, simply leave a comment below, and please leave a separate comment for each.
1. Simply comment – 1 ENTRY
2. Become a fan of Tiny Oranges on Facebook – 1 ENTRY
3. Follow @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter – 1 ENTRY
4. Comment on an existing post or leave a new post in the FORUM – 1 ENTRY
Good luck!!!!
{Congratulations, the Gazillion Bubble Giveaway winner is … Jenni (entry #6!)}
I would love to win!
fsdsds fdssdfd
I am British and having not been back now for a year I would LOVE to experience Brit week! My son, who is 5 months old has yet to meet his British family and I am determined that he will have as many experiences that will help him understand both parts of his life! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win!
I would love to go!
Facebook Fan!
GO GALAXY!! I would LOVE to go!
Love your website. My kids are big soccer fans!
go galaxy!!
galaxy are the shiznit!
la la la la galaxy!!
lets go galaxy!!
i cant wait to see my first galaxy game, hopefully for free!
testing security code
My family and I are not only soccer fans but Galaxy fans as well!! LA Galaxy are taking MLSCUP 2010!!!
I sooooooo love watching Pro Soccer with my kids! They LOVE it and it warms this native OC mommy\’s heart as I starting playing club soccer 35 years (gulp) ago with the Mission Viejo Soccer Club. Can I get a woop woop, anyone? We were called the GoalDiggers.
My son would love it!
would love to take my boys to a game.
Hoping this will work this time
LOL – We are always looking for some fun and something affordable for the family as there are 6 of us and it can be expensive – this sounds like a fun, inexpensive event I know the kids would love!!
Became your fan on FaceBook – I’m Tara
I follow you on twitter – HulaHoopingMom
from internet explore8
I would love to win this as a surprise gift to my father. He loves the LA Galaxy, but with the economy and ticket prices, we haven\’t gone for years. This would be a special treat for us!
Became a fan on Facebook. Commented on your post for proof!
Followed on Twitter. (@jessicaelle)
Commented on this post:
Thank you! Fingers crossed!!!
I hope I win
I’ve been a fan of Tiny Oranges on Facebook for awhile now
I’ve been following @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter @brianosaurusrex
I commented on an existing post here
Good luck everyone!
I’m following @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter as whoaitsm!
I made a Forum comment!
good luck everyone but mostly to me
Here’s my simple comment lol
@whoaitsj – 1 ENTRY – 1 ENTRY
1. Simply comment – 1 ENTRY
3. Follow @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter – 1 ENTRY
4. Comment on an existing post or leave a new post in the FORUM – 1 ENTRY
Would love to go, but know a family that could sure use these tickets!
My son would LOVE this!
Wow! This is an awesome giveaway. My husband, son, and I would love to win this prize. I am a huge fan of the Galazy. One of my dreams has always been to travel to see the World Cup. Maybe one day! Thanks for this opportunity.
My biggest safety concern by far is our big flat screen tv that is not secured to our low stand which our one year has recently started climbing.
Most child proofing items are available in your local store but I haven’t seen or heard much about securing a big flat screen so that your child cannot pull it down on themselves.