You Melt My Heart

Melted Heart Crayon Valentines

A friend of mine posted this idea for a melted heart crayon valentine on Facebook and I loved it so much I asked her if she would mind sending me a how to. It’s such a SWEET (and useful) idea. Not to mention, I love any and all non-candy Valentine ideas.

Melted Heart Crayon Valentines

1. Take any used, broken, otherwise “done” crayons and peel off the paper.

2. Put a mixture of tiny crayon pieces in the colors of your choice into a heart shaped baking mold similar to this one.


3. Put baking mold into a 225° oven for approximately 10 minutes, or until crayons are melted and mixed.


4. Let crayons thoroughly cool before removing, then “pop” them out of molds.


5. Take your cute melted heart crayon valentines, put in a cellophane bag and tie with a cute note that says something like, “Valentine ~ You Melt My Heart“!  Also, if giving to preschoolers, you might want to write a note that specifies that the hearts are CRAYONS, not candy!

Happy Weekend everyone! I hope you have a great one!


  1. Just ordered the silicon hearts tray on
    Perfect way to clear out our crayon box- thanks for sharing! XO

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