I had a little chuckle when I saw our Sponsor, Orange County family lawyer, Darlynn Morgan‘s guest post title today and I was intrigued to find out how family estate planning could bring sexy back to parenting. But I have to say, she makes a very compelling argument. Make sure to read to the end of the post to get the info on her three free workshops this month.
Read on…
Bringing Sexy Back to Parenting
“I’ll admit it. I was never a huge Ashton Kutcher fan until I watched his acceptance speech from the Nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards.
If you haven’t watched the clip yet, take the 4 minutes to do it. You won’t regret it. (This is Jen talking now – seriously – WATCH IT! I got the chills. Amazing message.)
Revealing that his real name is Chris, Ashton let his young fans in on the “secret sauce” to his success; namely that fame and fortune doesn’t just fall out of the sky, but is the result of a strong work ethic and opportunities that “look a lot like hard work.”
He also schools his ‘tween and teenage fans about the real meaning of “sexy”.
“Don’t buy it,” he said. “The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart, and being thoughtful, and being generous. Everything else is crap. I promise you.”
A powerful message for our kids indeed…but even more relevant for young, savvy parents who desire the very best for their kids.
Let’s face it. Every parent dreams of giving their children a beautiful home, nice clothes, top-of-the-line gear, luxurious vacations and even more opportunities than we may have enjoyed.
But living a truly fabulous and sexy lifestyle goes beyond just material things; it’s also about making SMART choices now to ensure your family is never robbed of those opportunities in the future.
No matter what your net worth or future goals are, every parent needs a crash course on how to protect their family from life’s risks such as lawsuits, divorce, financial problems or the death or incapacity of one or both parents.
These things can happen to anyone, but a there are a few easy, pro-active steps you can take to lessen the blow and enjoy the confidence knowing that your family would be prepared to ride out the storm.
Can confidently answer these questions about YOUR family?
~ I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that my kids would be raised by the people I WANT if something happens to me or my spouse.
~ If I’m temporarily incapacitated (…in a car accident, for example), I’ve created the legal documents necessary that would allow police or first responders to leave my kids with loved ones, and not place them in the care of social services until a judge shows up to make that decision (this is what they MUST do under the law!).
~ If something happens to me, I’ve put “speed bumps” around my children’s inheritance so they can’t blow their money at the vulnerable age of 18.
~ If I’m remarried, I know how to properly hold title to my house and “blend” our assets in a way that protects my kids from a previous relationship and my interests if I unexpectedly pass away or the marriage ends.
~ I have the RIGHT insurance and other financial protections in place to ensure my kids always enjoy the lifestyle I want for them if the unthinkable happens.
~ If you can’t confidently answer YES to any of these questions, NOW is the time to take back control of your financial future and learn how to get your legal house in order once and for all.
You may be scared to face your own mortality, or maybe you’ve never handled financial issues for your family… but learning how is empowering!
There is no greater peace of mind than knowing that you can take a romantic date with your spouse or head off on vacation without worrying about what would happen to your kids if something happened to you.
And the best part? You can learn how to implement these savvy legal protections for your family in a way that’s easy to understand, FREE and at a fun place here in Orange County (…or from the comfort of your own home!).
I’m talking about my Kids Protection Planning seminars, which are happening THIS MONTH at Xpecting, Granola Babies and via teleseminar. Hundreds of smart OC parents have gone through our workshops and left feeling totally in control, empowered and equipped with an action plan to make great legal and financial decisions for the future.
What real OC parents have to say…
We recently had two children and knew we had to get our custody and financial distribution in order… Darlynn was so generous with her wisdom, time, and personal experiences. She gave honest opinions only when asked with no judgments given. Everything was very professional, timely, and easy to follow. Thank you! – Leane and Alex H., Glendale
My wife and I were ‘first timers’ and had a lot of estate planning questions, especially relating to protecting our two young boys. There is nothing scarier than the thought of what would happen to your children if you were gone. Darlynn truly cares, and it comes through. — Michael S., Irvine
We have been wanting to do it for awhile, but a trip out of the country propelled us to do it and stop procrastinating…. this was a great, easy process because of your sincerity, kindness and organization. I loved how personable you are, and family friendly. The process was very smooth and almost effortless on our part. — Jeff & Faith F., Santa Ana
We appreciated your thoroughness, professional presentation using visual aids, friendly atmosphere [and] the warmth of hospitality expressed. — Monte & Darleen H., Yorba Linda
Or, check out this post from Tiny Orange’s very own Susanne Henderson who blogged about her entire experience firsthand.
Three free workshops this month
So what are you waiting for? Choose from one of the following dates and times and visit KidsProtectionWorkshop.com to register.
Attendance is free but seating is ALWAYS limited. Bring your spouse, grab a girlfriend…you can even bring your kids, but RSVP now to ensure you have a space.
September 12th at 6 pm
September 17th at 1 pm
Teleseminar (call in with your hubby in your jammies!)
September 18th at 8 pm
Come learn how building a fabulous lifestyle on a solid foundation and making SMART choices for the future can be fun after all! Set the example of what is really SEXY for your family. They will thank you for it if the unthinkable happens.
[Disclosure: Morgan Law Group is a Tiny Oranges Sponsor]
Well said Chris Kutcher! He actually gets it! Thanks Jen
A great speech + Darlynn is amazing! Highly recommend her services!
Wow thank you for sharing this! Deep thoughts from Ashton. I never thought. This is a good clip to let teenage girls watch as well as moms lol. It is a great deal of an advice to teenagers coming from him.
Right?! I was so impressed. Big fan now! Of Ashton AND I have always been a fan of Darlynn!