Guest Blog – Entertaining Kids in the Age of iPhone

Guest blog by: Michele, who loves her iPhone. And loves unplugging even more. You can find her playground blogging at Fun Orange County Parks. She writes…

Entertaining Kids in the Age of iPhone

Waaaaaayyyyyy back when I was a kid:

  • If we missed the name of a song or the artist when the DJ came on, tough luck. We’d have to try to find the record at the store by quizzing the employees.

Frogg’s Bounce House. Ribbit. Ribbit.


We discovered the newly opened Frogg’s Bounce House in Fountain Valley back in June when we were invited to a birthday party there.

After 2 1/2 hours of bouncing, I literally had to drag my daughter out the door in tears, telling her they were closing *wink, wink.* Click here to read more!