Guest Blog – Boo Boo Busters

“You’ve brought your new little one home, you’ve adjusted to Motherhood and just when you think you can relax… your little bundle of joy starts crawling! Ack! Are you ready for this? Have you crawled around on all fours and pretended you were looking through the eyes of your baby? Most likely not, but Kimberlee Mitchell, founder of…Click here to read more

Burglary Update…Are You Serial?

Most unfortunately our house was burglarized last November.  It was seriously a complete and total nightmare, financially and emotionally.  I wrote a post about some valuable lessons we learned when it happened, click here to see the post.   Hopefully I can help prevent it from happening to someone else!

If you take one thing away from reading this, it would be to lock every door and window every time you leave your house.   You never think it would happen to you or happen in your neighborhood, but it does and it can.   I will never take my safety or security for granted again.  I used to feel very safe in our neighborhood, but now we never step out without everything locked, bolted, and our alarm system on.  Even if we are going for a walk around the block for 15 minutes. 

BUT, I do have some good news and an update that I wanted to share!  

Click here to read more