I’ve Got News…

Hello! I am excited to tell you some exciting news…I am 12 weeks pregnant with Baby #2 due this July! We are over the moon with excitement, and I really can’t believe how fast the first trimester has flown by.  I want to share my experiences going through this pregnancy, and would love to hear from other mamas-to-be as well!  This will be long post as I have a whole first trimester to cover, consider it a warning! 

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Categorized as Personal

You Still Have Time to Enter!!

I am posting this again because you still have 2 days to enter this amazing giveaway! If you thought of someone when you read this, don’t hesitate!  Click on Sandy’s email below and write her about the special people you know!   You have nothing to lose, and you both might end up with professional pictures you will treasure for a lifetime!  

Here are the details again:

You know someone. You know someone who’s experienced a tragedy, is struggling to stay afloat, is raising kids while holding down more than one job, or is volunteering selflessly despite extenuating personal circumstances. You know someone who can’t afford custom photography, but who would cherish it this holiday season. You know someone who deserves a year-round reminder of their family’s spirit, love and beauty.

You know someone, I guarantee it.

I want to know who they are, and I want to give them the chance to experience complimentary custom photography – $

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Yet Another Gift Idea!

Yet another gift idea inspired by one we have just received! Kid Hip makes personalized CD’s with songs with your child’s name in them. You should have seen my daughter’s face the first time she listened to it.   She got such a kick out of it!  Now she is asking for her “Emma Songs” all the time, and she laughs and dances around.… Continue reading Yet Another Gift Idea!

Gift Idea: Only in Dreams!

My darling babysitter just got this book for Emma for Christmas and we are already in love with it!  I loved it so much I had to do a post right away because it would make for a great holiday present!   She got ours at Nordstroms, I went online and couldn’t find it, but it… Continue reading Gift Idea: Only in Dreams!