This year one of my goals is to slowly go through each room in our house and do some updating. We moved in almost seven years ago and haven’t done much decorating since we moved in, so I guess you can say I am getting the seven year itch for some fresh decor!
This updating bug started last year with my living room makeover, which inspired me to slowly take on the other rooms.
First room on the 2012 list is our guest / girls’ bathroom.
Jessica of Jessica Bennett Interiors, a local design firm specializing in young adults and families who did my fabulous new living room, is helping me with our project. Because it is such a small space, I am doing one of her DIY design packages, where she provided the (oh-so-cute) concept and ideas, and we are doing the legwork.
Now that my husband installed the crown moulding and the new medicine cabinet has been ordered, the next task is to pick a new paint color.
In my DIY Jessica-provided package, she gave me four paint color swatches. And God bless her for this, because picking out a paint color to me is torturous. I have total paint picking phobia. It was so nice to be relieved from the misery of swatch comparison.
On her blog, I remembered seeing a blog post called “How to Date Your Paint Color Before You Marry It” which is such a great idea I had to share it with you.
The idea is brilliant, one of those, “why didn’t I ever think of that??” types of ideas.
Essentially, when choosing paint colors, instead of marking up your walls with different samples, she suggests getting plain pieces of drywall from your local home improvement store and painting the samples on the dry wall INSTEAD of your actual wall.
Isn’t that a great idea??
So I got the mini paint samples from Home Depot and bought a big piece of drywall, which we painted with the two colors we narrowed it down to side by side.
I love that I am able to move the samples around the room to see them on different walls and in different light.
I also like comparing them side by side, but you can also paint entire drywall samples one color and have different panels to also see one color at a time.
This drywall panel above was only $4.50 – certainly a heck of a lot cheaper than picking a color that I would be forced to divorce and remarry with a new one. Not to mention potentially saving my husband the grief of having to re-paint the room.
I am still scarred by a painting mishap in which the green turned out to be the color of a florescent mint chip ice cream. It was hideous, all the walls were missing were brown polka dots. I think this is where my paint phobia stems…
But I digress…
I LOVE Jessica and her FABULOUS ideas and wanted to share this cool, easy tip!
Stay tuned for my bathroom makeover with befores and afters!
Click here to follow her on Facebook.
Click here to see her blog and ideas.
Click here to tweet with @JBInteriorsInc on Twitter.
Happy Friday Mamas! Have a colorful weekend! See you back on Monday!
[Jessica Bennett is a Tiny Oranges partner.]
That is a great way to date your paint colors
You can also paint it on white foam core. The foam core is a bit easier to cut and also easy to move around the room. Either are great ways to help narrow the field!! Great tip!
Wouldn’t have thought of that either! Thanks for the suggestion!
Sounds great! Also, I just went through the Living Room update you posted in March! How fun!!