Our Funny Santa Photo Contest was so much fun I might have to make it an annual tradition. It was so hard to pick the winners, there were so many funny ones, but we had to choose. So here are our readers’ funny Santa photo winners with the descriptions from the moms on what was going on in their photos.
Drum roll please…
First place winner of Irvine Park Railroad Christmas Train and Activity Tickets goes to…
1st Place: Not So Hap-pee to See You Santa
“When I saw your current contest I knew I had to enter this photo. This is a photo of my older son Wright’s 2nd Christmas, and as you can see, in true toddler style, he was thrilled to be sitting on “scary Santa’s” lap. He was also completely soaking wet as his diaper didn’t quite hold up to the 30 minute wait for photos. Of course that was the day I decided to leave the diaper bag in the car. I guess I was hoping poor Santa wouldn’t notice but when I saw the photo I realized how obvious it all was. This photo now lives in infamy in my family’s memory!” ~ Anna-Marie
The second place winner of the 4 tickets Pretend City Children’s Museum goes to…
2nd Place: Who’s Your Daddy?
“This picture is my youngest son Arsen Russell… He was 10 months old, and he had NO idea that it was his Dad in the Santa suit. Knowing this, make the picture SO much better!! Purely Terrified! I ended up using this photo as my Christmas/New Years Thank you Cards. Enjoy!” ~ Nora
Third place and the winner of a $10 gift card to Target goes to…
3rd Place: The Bird
“My husband, son-Brady, and I live in Old Towne Orange. The Homegrown Farmers Market advertised that Santa would be there back in mid November (I know- early, right?). With my Christmas card in mind, I dressed Brady up and headed down to the Market. We walked up, I put Brady on Santa’s lap and then snapped this photo. Not only is his face super classic, but he’s actually slipping Santa the bird. And no- I did not pose him! ” ~ Mandy
And I just had to post these as well because they are hilarious…
You’re Not Going Anywhere Caroline
“This is our Santa picture from last year. Finn (1 1/2 in this pic) doesn’t know what is going on. Jack (almost 5) seems bored and Caroline (almost 3) has screamed so hard that she’s about to lose her hair bow. Basically, I physically held her
down on the stool, had the camera gal count to 3 and then I leaped out of the way so we could get this one picture.” ~ Kristen
Make the Best of It Mom
“This picture pretty much sums up exactly how our Santa visit went! My 1 year old son, Cannon, was totally freaked out and screamed bloody murder- to which we all cracked up at. (So sad and funny that we totally get a laugh out of this!) My 2 year old daughter, Hunter Rose, was way too cool and into her little reindeer that she painted to talk to Santa! She proceeded to tell him she wanted a princess dress for Christmas while looking the opposite way. I popped my head in the picture to show that if I don’t woman up and paste a smile on my face then nobody’s gonna have any fun!! I’m almost 5 months pregnant, dizzy, hot and sick with “morning” sickness, but at least one of us was smiling!!” ~ Brandi
Nice Beard Santa!
“This was from last year when my son was 9 months old. He has no fear of this sweet Santa and was way more interesting in why he had this white stuff on his face. The Santa just played along and we got some awesome shots and loved it! We
haven’t tried to see Santa again this year, but I am hoping that he will remember him and enjoy the experience once again! Thanks!” ~ Lisa
Bad Santa
I think Santa’s face sticking out his tongue is almost as funny as the little cutie’s obvious protest of the Santa pic!
“My poor baby girl was terrified! I plopped her in Santa’s lap and she screamed but was frozen and didn’t move an inch. She hated every minute of it. :)” ~ Maegan
Thank you so much to everyone that entered! I hope these photos brought some joy into your day – I know they brought joy into mine!
These photos gave me belly shaking laughs this morning. Thank you!
Those hilarious! Loved it!
Thanks for a good laugh!!!
I am so happy that you all got a chuckle like I did!!!!
My favorite is the runaway 3 year old! Hilarious.
Melissa, that cracked me up too! Santa has a full death grip on her arm. And the older boy is just sitting there like nothing is unusual. So funny.