
HELLO 2011! I wanted to wish all of you a VERY happy new year! I hope this next year is filled with lots of love & happiness.

The last two years I have posted some of my new year’s resolutions on New Year’s Eve. Before this blog, I used to hate making resolutions mostly because I would rarely keep them! But I have learned is that there is a lot of POWER in writing down your goals and putting it out there!! You will be surprised at what you can do once you define it on paper (or in a blog!)

Are you making any goals for the new year?

Since this is a time of reflection, here is my list I posted last new year’s eve of things I wanted to do in 2010…

1. Find a workout regimen I love and stick to it (so original, huh?!) I really want to get back into Pilates.

I started running in February (life changing experience) and got back into Pilates with Erica at Core Athletica, so yes, this one I can happily say was a successful goal! And one that will be on my list every year…

2. Continue my digital photo album projects

Not so good on this one! I got to month 6 of my baby’s life and she is now 18 months! Ugh! Oh well, onto the next one…

3. Take a little staycation this summer with our family

Yes! My family went to Rancho Las Palmas last summer and we had SO much fun. It taught me how important it is to take time away from the normal routine and do a vacation together. Best part is that it doesn’t have to be expensive, you can stay local and do a So Cal staycation and have just as much fun.

4. Do a charity project with the help of Tiny Oranges readers. I have been thinking about this one for a long time, and this WILL be the year to do it!

This is the one I am most proud of and most excited about!! As of today, my Tiny Oranges team for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Run/Walk on May 1st, 2011 has raised over $2,000 and we have 49 people on our team (and still recruiting!!) Doing this project has brought out a new passion in me. The feeling you get when doing something to help others is electrifying. I highly recommend it! Want to join us? I hope you might put this one on your list this next year too!

Now onto 2011! Ok, here is my list of things I would like to do this year…

1. Raise $10,000 through our Tiny Oranges team for Pediatric Cancer Research. There, I said it. Now it’s out there. Wish me luck.

2. Do a fundraising project with Emma (yes, my 4 1/2 year old is on our team and participating in the 1K Kids’ Fun Run!) Some sort of variation on the lemonade stand. I am thinking maybe an orange juice stand would be fitting?

3. Go on regular date nights with my husband. We were on a good roll for awhile, but then sort of flaked on making this a priority. In 2011 I want to make sure to carve out time each week to spend just with my hubby.

4. Take a photography class.

I am excited about these goals and I am excited about what the new year is going to bring. I have a good feeling it is going to be a great one! Anyone want to share your goals? Comment here! Then they too will be OUT THERE! What do you want to do in 2011?

Happy New Year mamas!

Have a fun night and see you back on Monday with an AMAZING giveaway to kick off the New Year (It involves THIS!) You won’t want to miss it!



  1. I want to do a Photography class too. Let us know what you find! Good luck with everything. Happy new year!!

  2. Jen- the Val Westover workshop is great…take it!

    Also- Anytime Art is a great one (Mali Workman and Noel Besuzzi)

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