Today is Emma’s last day of Kindergarten. The picture on the left is from her first day. I love how she wrote P for 9 in the date. And there is my Kindergarten Grad on the right.
In the first picture I can sense some anticipation and a little fear in her eyes, today they are filled with joy and excitement. And so are mine, as well as a few tears, but they are tears of happiness.
When I asked her how she was feeling about school coming to an end, she said, “Happy ~ Sad,” and I thought that was just the most perfect description for me too.
Looking back to that first picture, I remember how nervous I was for her to start Kindergarten.
Would she make friends in her class? Would she like her teachers? How would she be as a student? Would she like going every day?
I was filled with so much anxiety, just wanting so badly for her to like school and be OK. Sending your kid off to Kindergarten in a way is sort of an exercise in letting go.
I wish I could go back and tell the mom on the left,
“Relax. Everything is going to be OK. Actually, better than OK, everything is going to be GREAT.”
For me, this year has also been a lesson in having faith.
And with that, when we walk out today at 1:30pm, I will officially have a 1st grader! Hello summer!
Are your kids done? How were your last days?
Congrats on an exciting year!!!
Thank you!
Love this before & after~ she is such a doll.
Our last day of JK was last week (tear)…I’ll have to re-read this post again in September. XO
Absolutely – remember to have faith and just believe everything is going to be just GREAT!
Happy/sad is the perfect description. I adore those two pictures of Emma. And truly what a difference in those eyes. I’m typing this as Sarah sits in a chair reading her first chapter book. What a difference a year makes!
Oh Lisa, I know, what a difference 9 months makes to their growth. We were so lucky with such an awesome year, and I feel so blessed we got to walk through it together! Helllooooo summer! So excited!
My son graduated from Kinder today too and he looked kind of sad when he walked out! I know it’s because he’s going to miss seeing his friends every day, but it’s a little bittersweet for me too, because my oldest is growing up so fast. I look forward to growing with him though, and can’t wait to see what the years bring.