Well 2014 has come on with a BANG – and the year of the horse is a force to be reckoned with – let me tell you!
Over here at Tiny Oranges we are holding on to the reigns and galloping full speed ahead to implement new ideas to make Tiny Oranges even BETTER for you.
Why? Because the WHY behind why we work our buns off here at Tiny Oranges is because we want to INSPIRE MOMS like you with juicy ideas.
There are really fun things in store this year including a fresh update to our site design, a big giveaway, and so many things I want to do, BUT I need help in order to get to work on these ideas swimming around in my head!
I am looking for a few very part-time Orange County moms to join our team. Hours are completely flexible (and again, minimal.)
Here is what I am looking for…
Pinterest Development
Do you love Pinterest? Are you a Pinterestoholic? Would you love to help us build our Pinterest presence?
Because we are a blog on a mission to inspire, we want our Pinterest boards to be filled with so much pin-spiration, it’s a must follow for all moms.
The position would include building and curating our boards, building Pinterest followers, following new pin-spirational people and pinning older posts so we can make our boards the most pin-tastic possible.
Okay, enough with the pin puns.
Approximately 3 hours a week.
If interested email pinterest@tinyoranges.com for more details.
Contributing Writers/Bloggers
I am looking to build our team of contributing writers so we can continue to share new and unique ideas from moms at different stages of mommyhood.
Do you love to write? Share your experiences with other moms? Have a passion for certain parenting topics? We would love to hear about your interests to see if it might be a fit.
Graphics are equally as important as writing, so I am looking with someone who has a knack for photography and familiarity using PicMonkey.com (affiliate link) or Photoshop in order to be able to create accompanying graphics.
You do not have to be a professional photographer or graphic designer, but familiarity is a plus!
Approximately 1 post of original content per week.
If interested, email writing@tinyoranges.com for more information.
Best, Jen XOXO
Oh! Definitely interested! Will be emailing you soon