Emma’s second tooth fell out yesterday and she was beyond excited. I love to watch how something so simple like losing a tooth can be so monumental to a six-year-old!
What does the tooth fairy leave at your house? Inquiring minds want to know!
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Our tooth fairy leaves a $2 bill for each tooth~
Where do you get $2 bills?? That is so cool!
We have a bunch that someone gave my husband several years ago- I’m assuming the bank? I don’t know, but I’ll have to figure it out when the pile runs out, or the tooth fairy might have to give more for molars
Ours leaves $2 bills too. Got them from the bank in anticipation when they didn’t even have teeth.
How funny, Lisa! Great minds think alike
Want to know something really tragic? My husband had a collection of $2 bills from growing up – like probably 100 of them – and they were stolen when our house was burglarized. Would have been so perfect! Grrrrr…..
I was out of town when my son’s first tooth fell out and the tooth fairy (my crazy husband)left him a $5 bill! The funny thing is, my son said he wished he got 2 dollars instead of $5. I didn’t get it at first, but then I realized he wanted to separate dollar bills. Since then, the tooth fairy has brought dollar bills and even quarters giving him lots of money to count!
That’s cute! I think it’s more about the magic vs. the money!