Wordless Wednesday – Lovey

I snapped this photo when my daughter was conked out in the car on the way home from a busy weekend at the grandparents.  That is her lovey, Siena. Not pictured is her identical twin brother, Carter. They used to be named “Lovey” and “Other Lovey” until Emma one day named them Carter & Siena out of the blue.  No idea where she got those, but we thought (and still think) it is pretty hilarious.  They are part of our family as we never leave home without them.  Our unofficial 3rd & 4th children!   I loved the way her little hands were resting in this picture. And there is just something so endearing about a lovey.

For more Wordless Wednesday pictures, head over to Angry Julie Monday!


  1. so precious! don’t you just get a kick out of the things the little ones say – and names they come up with? When I was pregnant with our daughter my 4 yr old son kept saying he wanted to name her “uddy tutty!”

  2. such a sweet pic. My son’s imaginary friends when he was about 2 were Gonekey, Peipei and Bimpa. They were three brothers who were the drivers for all his construction vehicles. No idea where those names came from!

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