Wordless Wednesday – My MINI Minivan

We have a Mazda5 and sometimes when my little minivan is sandwiched in parking lots between big SUV’s it makes me giggle because, well, my minivan is just so MINI!   I shot this one in such a situation with my iPhone. I love my mini- minivan.  For a mom with small kids there is nothing better than SLIDING DOORS!

Zoom, zoom, zoom.

For more Wordless Wednesday pics, zoom on over to Angry Julie Monday!


  1. So great! SInce i have an XXL SUV I can say that I would LOVE me some sliding doors! And I can’t tell you how many times a day I have to make a 20pt turn to get in and out of parking spots with my big tank. Love the mini mini 🙂

  2. Love your mini mini! I have a regular sized mini van which I wasn\’t thrilled to get but I\’ve grown to love it, especially the sliding doors.

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