Wordless Wednesday – Oh those ohs…

…ARE EVERYWHERE….UGH!  Car, diaper bag, stroller, purse…the ohs have invaded my life!

I was unloading the girls the other day and really took a moment to look down at the floor of the car and I was quite appalled because, yes, I had noticed there were quite a few Cheerios on the floor, but until I took this photo I truly didn’t realize JUST HOW MANY.

Anyone want to come over to my car for a snack??

For more Wordless Wednesday pictures, drive on over to Angry Julie Monday!


  1. This makes me feel SO much better. My car is the same. With the addition of dried blueberries. But yes, they started out dried (and not a factor of sitting in my car for so long!)!

  2. This looks like my living room sometimes. My 2 year old dumps the cheerios in front of my 9 month old and they go to town. She love putting them in his mouth. He looks like a little bird when she is trying to get them in there. Dont even worry tis life with babies!!!

  3. This is so my car! I had not washed my car since Halloween – no joke – and then waited until after our Christmas road trip….I had it washed a week ago and did not recognize the floor! Primarily b/c I could see it….

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